Friday, July 30, 2010

Public Transportation

I don't know about you but one of the things I like doing the most is just observing people. So I always enjoy public transportation because there is this mix of people in one place. I guess being a photographer is also sort of a natural thing because we are always curious about our surroundings. Street photography captures these moments we witness in our daily life in an unaltered and raw way.

See more of my pictures on my Visual Diary.


  1. i love watching people in the public transportation, and imagine how would their lifes be... It's funny and interesting!:)

  2. these are so calming and beautiful!

  3. the street photography you do is amazing. I love the black and white shots. It's funny when they barely know you're capturing their emotions on film

  4. How do you take these? Do you ask before, or try not to let them know? I'm asking because sometimes people hate to get their pictures taken.

  5. Sometimes.. we could meet some cool people there...^^

    Beny Ricardo Sadewo

  6. I also take the bus alot in LA, so I understand where you are coming from by observing people. I love observing people its really fun! love the shots. it really catches what i think about as "observing"

  7. I love these!

    I'm just not brave enough to take this kind of pictures.
    I'd love that.

  8. you're definitely an amazing photographer pascal!

  9. I and Love and These

  10. hast du die alle um erlaubnis gefragt, die bilder ins internet zu stellen? ich würde ja nicht schlafend im bus fotografiert wollen werden ;)

  11. missing these old trams. they were so comfortable and simply beautiful. getting nostalgic..

  12. they are so great Pascal!! well done :)

  13. Beautiful :)

    I love sitting in Glasgow central station with a coffee and just watch the people go by.
    The business men and women late for their trains, groups of well dressed friends meeting up for lunch (a la sex and the city), art students with massive folders and interesting hair mooching around, musicians with guitar and violin cases, old ladies slowly limping through the crowd and the ever-present group of pre-teem emos hanging out between the public tiolets and tie-rack.

    So facinating :)


  14. jackie: if i asked them, it wouldn't be street photography anymore and it wouldn't capture the moment as it happens so i try to not let them know.

  15. Man bewegt sich heute mit Street halt schon auf juristisch dünnem Eis.
    Das fotografieren ist das Eine, das Veröffentlichen das Andere.

    Solche Probleme hatten die Koriphäen der Stretphotography halt noch weniger. Aber bereits sie erlebten diesbezüglich Einschränkungen.
    Heute ist Street tatsächlich eine Gratwanderung die für Manche den Reiz noch steigert, was ich zwar unverständlich finde.
    Bei uns in der CH sind die betreffenden Gesetze zum Glück noch nicht so restriktiv wie in anderen Staaten, wo strengenommen praktisch nichts mehr elaubt ist.

    ps : einige der Bilder gefallen sehr.

  16. das ist wohl leider wirklich so mittlerweile. die meisten leute haben dann am schluss aber glücklicherweise nichts dagegen. der einzige juristische fall bezügl. street photography ist mir aus new york bekannt, wo dann zugunsten des fotografen entschieden wurde — kunst über dem persönlichen recht am bild.

  17. Ich vermisse das gulte alte Cobra-Tram schon jetzt. Die Holzbänke gefielen mir auf eine seltsame Art und Weise sehr fest.

  18. great but very great work pascal. i like so much the p&b photos.

  19. I love people watching too!


  20. Ja, meistens geben einem die Leute das Ok.

    Vom berühmten Street-Photographen Robert Doisneau ist der Fall bekannt in dem sich mehrere Personen auf einem seiner berühmten Bilder aus den 50ern zu erkennen glaubten und ihn deswegen einklagten. Jahrzehnte nach Entstehung des Fotos. Doch das berühmte Foto war gestellt und konnte nachweisen dass er den beiden Personen damals ein Honorar bezahlte.
    Aber es stimmt : in letzter Zeit kommt man den Fotografen juristisch wieder eher entgegen.

    Hier hatte ich zu diesem Thema mal etwas verfasst :

  21. i love public trasportation and walking in public streets for the same reason!!
    try observing people in their cars, i don;t know why but they tend to behave like no one is watching!so much fun!!

  22. BRILLIANT SHOTS! I adore your piece of art!

  23. OMG!!!!!!! AMAZING JOB!!!!

  24. WOW! these pictures are so beautiful!
    Feel free to check out my blog at or

  25. I like to observe others as well but I find it difficult to look without giving off the vibe that I am "staring" which is exactly what I am doing! Haha how do you get away with it? Also, how do you take photos? Do you ever have to sneakily hide it behind your jacket when your subject turns around?
    Thanks, I appreciate your response.

  26. that last photo is truly beautiful!

  27. You have such a great talent. As others have said before, how did you take these photos without them noticing? I'm such a big fan of your work and I think your talent will take you very far.

  28. do you ask people for permission before you photograph them? or are you taking sneak photos?

  29. ps. do you ever wear socks?
