Monday, March 8, 2010

One Year After

I can't believe that Fashion Bits And Bobs is turning one today. It was March 8th, 2009 when I wrote my first serious blog entry here. I am still remembering the times when people asked me for how long I have already been blogging and I always told them just a few months. Guess these times are over. But I am still a very young blogger compared to other people, who have been blogging since 2005. If someone had told me back then, how literally life-changing this project will turn out, I would have never believed it. And also, I would have never guessed that my blog would get such a huge response. Considering my blog's young age, I feel incredibly lucky for that. Guess I started my blog at the right moment, where the hype around fashion blogging just really took off. So I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all my lovely readers, all the people who have commented on my entries, all the magazines, websites or other press that wrote a nice article about me and helped me to get the word out for my blog. After all, if it wasn't for you, I probably would have lost interest in blogging very soon again. One special thank goes out to the girls of Styleseeking Zurich, who helped me build a readership in the very beginning. Over time, I have added several categories to this blog and I always wondered, which ones are your favourites? And also, are you missing something dearly on my blog? Some of you might have noticed that I started writing a bit more in my entries to give it a more personal touch in addition to my photographs. So please let me know what you think in the comments and once again THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!


  1. I love your photography, and I really enjoy your blog. Thank YOU :) Keep on writing.

  2. und pascal, ich erinnere mich an unser erstes aufeinandertreffen. herzig warst du. sehr!

  3. Happy birthday Fashion Bits and Bobs!!! :D
    My favorites are definitely your Sunday entries where I can always count on a great song and the Bits & Bobs!

    <3 N.

  4. con'gratz ! love you

  5. happy birthday fashion bits and bobs!
    your blog is so wonderfully refreshing to the eyes with all your photographs and everything. i love the bits of music you put up~

  6. Happy birthday! Blow out the candle and make a wish

  7. well "happy birthday", always nice to read a new blogentry here!

  8. great blog! i think it's very well put together all aspects are interesting! one suggestion/idea. i'm just very curious as to what you think of fashion in films. for instance i really like all the clothing worn in wes anderson movies and many classic movies. i think it would be neat to see a spread of looks you like in the style of your "run way looks" blogs. but anyways love seeing this blog. i check it everyday! keep up the wonderful work.

  9. I love your blog! I especially like the addition of the visual diary.

    x Vanessa

  10. haaappy birthday fashion bits and bobs! just to let you know, updates from your site make my day, so don't stop posting :)

  11. Really love your photographs, your sense of fashion and the street style! You're certainly one of my most favorite fashion blogger :D

  12. Congratulations on the success of your blog! It has grown from something so refreshing and new to a blog with authority. I do miss the Bits and Bobs though. Wish you could do them more often. Happy birthday Fashion Bits and Bobs!

  13. Alles gute zum Einjährigen! Die Sunday Posts sind einfach eine geniale Idee!

  14. Your blog is an inspiration! So thank you and keep on writing!

  15. hey happy birthday (:
    you've done a really good work ;D i really enjoy your blog and i love your photography
    hugs from mexico (:

  16. happyhappy blog-geburtstag herr grob

  17. the film thing sounds interesting. it has happened a lot already that i was often thinking 'wow great style' while watching a film. i might pick this idea up.

    bits and bobs entries are the most time-consuming ones of all, so that's why i had to reduce them a bit, because my personal life just got a bit busier lately. but i always try to do one at least every 2 weeks and i hope to be able to return to my previous 1-week plan.

  18. Hi,

    I discovered your blog about 6 months ago! And love it.
    I really admire your taste and eye for certain details. Subtle yet a very definate effortless style in your photography and fashion. Something that you're definately born with! I'm a graphic designer based in London, and you've inspired me!
    Look forward to seeing reading more of your posts.

  19. Congratulations Fashion Bits and Bobs!!

  20. happy birthday, fashion bits and bobs!
    since day one, I've been enamored with your photos and your personal style on this blog.
    keep doing what you've been doing because you do it well :)

  21. Congrats on your one year!! =) I love looking at your photographs. They inspire me so much! Hope you keep blogging for many more years to come!!

  22. :D You're one of the lucky good bloggers out there. I enjoy your photo blog the most, but your music videos and your photographers are most inspiring. Don't get me wrong, fashion is a must, but the majority of them can't inspire me as much as what I feel when I read about someones personal life. Nonetheless, enjoy everything! :)
    Happy one Year!


  23. Congratulations! i have visited your blog everyday in last months... it´s great. I´m from mérida, Mexico and i send many greetings to you, happy bday fashion bits and bobs again! =)

  24. Congrats! Happy Birthday Fashion Bits and Bobs!

  25. congrats, i enjoy your blog quite a bit.

  26. Happy birthday! I really love your blog and your combination. I am from Serbia (Belgrade) and I visit your blog every day. I would like to see your summer ideas. :) Kiss! Vladan

  27. time is running!! happy birthday!

  28. Congratulationa!

    Keep posting.Your entries are always something for me(and a lot more readers)to look forward to:D

  29. congratulations!! and happy birthday!!


  30. Ich mag den Stil, den du repräsentierst und verbreitest, und ich mag deine nostalgische Art, zu fotografieren - ich frage mich bloss seit dem ersten Blogbesuch und seither immer wieder, wieso du dich selbst inszenierst, statt die von dir ausgewählten Stücke an jemand Anderem zu zeigen?

  31. Weil ich nicht für ein Magazin arbeite, das mich bezahlt, denn deine Beschreibung trifft ja genau auf Stylisten zu. Ich müsste die Kleider in der Grösse des Models irgendwo her kriegen und auch immer wieder ein Model finden, dass Zeit für mich hat, etc. – viel mehr Aufwand und ich wäre weniger flexibel, da ich dann die Termine mit den anderen involvierten Personen einhalten müsste. So machen wir "Styleblogger" das halt – und von denen gibt's ja reichlich. Bei meinen internationalen Leser scheint das selbsterklärend zu sein, denn ich kriege diese Frage bisher nur von deutschsprachigen Lesern. Freut mich, dass dir der Rest aber gefällt!

  32. Good job pascal! I love your blog, it's one of my favorites! Congratulations to you for you success. You really inspire me as a blogger. I started my blog around two weeks ago and it's been pretty good so far.

    Also, I really like your bits and bobs, outfits, I enjoy them a lot! Also, I really like the self photographs that are on youtube. Keep blogging!


  33. I just want you to know that you say creating this blog is such a life-changing project for you. And for myself, being an international reader from the U.S., the inspiration you provide for readers like me is life-changing. There's hard to find inspiration where I live, so I find hope in international blogs like yours. I only hope I can create a project like this one day and be as such a success as you have been. Congratulations! Sincerely. You honestly deserve it. I wish you wrote more about your daily life. I feel like I don't know much about you personally. Or maybe slip a few more pictures of yourself every now an then. I would love to get a feel for how people from Zurich live. Anyhow, you should be proud of yourself. And I know you're going to go far in life!

  34. My only words I have for you are please don't ever stop.
    I don't believe you'll ever know how great you are and how your blog has given so many people so much hope and inspiration over this past year.

  35. Ganz so selbsterklärend finde ich das nicht – mir persönlich läge nichts ferner, als mich selbst zu inszenieren und gleichzeitig zu fotografieren. Das Wissen, dass die Person vor der Kamera dieselbe ist wie die hinter der Kamera klaut – meiner subjektiven Meinung nach - dem Ganzen etwas vom Zauber. Und wenn ich mir dein Visual Diary so ansehe, scheinst du andere Menschen ebenso gerne zu fotografieren wie dich selbst und ausserdem viele gut geeignete – sprich: attraktive, fotogene – davon in deinem Umfeld zu haben. Das Argument der Kleidergrösse ist allerdings überzeugend.

  36. I love your photos with music. You have really good taste!

  37. You really don't have to thank Pascal, it's us who have to thank you xthousand times for inspiring our days with your stylish art and thoughts.
    I can't believe FBAB is so young, thought it has been around more than 1y. Sloppy me.
    Congrats again and good vibes.

    xx. A.

  38. Happy belated birthday! I love the simplicity of your blog, it has a touch of pure beauty because everything is down to the central topic. Write, but don't write too much. I also would love to see more streetstyle... in case you feel like doing this - now that spring has finally returned - I'd really appreciate it! Cheers
